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New Duo Album with Cyrille Aimée coming out April 4th.

I am very excited to announce you that Cyrille Aimée and myself have a new duo record coming out next month. It is titled "I'll Be Seeing You" and will come out on April 4th.

As I am sure most of you already know, Cyrille Aimée has become one of the most prominent and influential Jazz vocalist in the World today. Her unique ability to scat and improvise has been revered by all of her contemporaries. Her adaptability and open-mindedness, have allowed her to tackle many repertoires...Cyrille can do it all.

I met Cyrille back in 2010 in New York. Together, we have recorded and produced four albums and played hundreds of shows around the World for nearly ten years.

From all this time spent as friends and collaborators, we have gained a deep connection that has finally been beautifully captured on record.

For this new album we decided to play songs that have accompanied us for the last decade.

This album will be available exclusively on Patreon so please make sure you subscribe to :


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